karl: I wonder if we could extrapolate the number of report site issues if it was in release.dennis: The population of nightly users is also very low per day, around 47,000 users per day.karl: The report of nightly population is super low.Then hopefully we can have a better comparison. We are going to ship this new place for beta users to see if it has any influence. I checked also the beta reports which are more significant. But monitoring for the numbers, we realize that the numbers are very low, which makes it difficult to evaluate if it had any influence. Initially we thought that the new location (hamburger menu/help menu) was too hidden. dennis: (sharing screen) and doing a summary of the proton work planned for the report site menu action button.If the numbers drop below a level we're comfortable with, rolling back to the "meatball menu" in Beta is a valid emergency-break while we're looking into other solutions for 89.

dennis: The plan is to have the new location ride to Beta, and see if we notice a change there.So our Nightly population is actually *much* more active, but just too small. So that would be, on average, 35.17 reports a day for 1 million Nightly users, vs. 1,067,538 DAU for Beta (data from today via ( )). dennis: Nightly population is 47,366 DAU vs.dennis: Very low confidence in the numbers from Nightly due to the small volume of reports.dennis: Tracking issue with some data in the comments:.